

PLP::Functions - Functions that are available in PLP documents


The functions are exported into the PLP::Script package that is used by PLP documents. Although uppercased letters are unusual in Perl, they were chosen to stand out.

Most of these functions are context-hybird. Before using them, one should know about contexts in Perl. The three major contexts are: void, scalar and list context. You'll find more about context in perlfunc.

Some context examples:

    print foo();  # foo is in list context (print LIST)
    foo();        # foo is in void context
    $bar = foo(); # foo is in scalar context
    @bar = foo(); # foo is in list context
    length foo(); # foo is in scalar context (length EXPR)

The functions

  • Include FILENAME
  • Executes another PLP file, that will be parsed (i.e. code must be in <: :>). As with Perl's do, the file is evaluated in its own lexical file scope, so lexical variables (my variables) are not shared. PLP's <(filename)> includes at compile-time, is faster and is doesn't create a lexical scope (it shares lexical variables).

    Include can be used recursively, and there is no depth limit:

        <!-- This is crash.plp -->
            include 'crash.plp';
            # This example will loop forever,
            # and dies with an out of memory error.
            # Do not try this at home.

  • include FILENAME
  • An alias for Include.

  • Adds a piece of code that is executed when at the end of the PLP document. This is useful when creating a template file:

        <html><body>       <!-- this is template.plp -->
        <: PLP_END { :>
        <: } :>

        <(template.plp)>   <!-- this is index.plp -->
        Hello, world!

    You should use this function instead of Perl's built-in END blocks, because those do not work properly with mod_perl.

  • Entity LIST
  • Replaces HTML syntax characters by HTML entities, so they can be displayed literally. You should always use this when displaying user input (or database output), to avoid cross-site-scripting vurnerabilities.

    In void context, changes the values of the given variables. In other contexts, returns the changed versions.

        <: print Entity($user_input); :>

    Be warned that this function also HTMLizes consecutive whitespace and newlines (using   and
    respectively). For simple escaping, use XML::Quote|XML::Quote. To escape high-bit characters as well, use HTML::Entities|HTML::Entities.

  • EncodeURI LIST
  • Encodes URI strings according to RFC 3986. All disallowed characters are replaced by their %-encoded values.

    In void context, changes the values of the given variables. In other contexts, returns the changed versions.

        <a href="/foo.plp?name=<:= EncodeURI($name) :>">Link</a>

    Note that the following reserved characters are not percent-encoded, even though they may have a special meaning in URIs:

            / ? : @ $

    This should be safe for escaping query values (as in the example above), but it may be a better idea to use URI::Escape|URI::Escape instead.

  • DecodeURI LIST
  • Decodes %-encoded strings. Unlike URI::Escape|URI::Escape, it also translates + characters to spaces (as browsers use those).

    In void context, changes the values of the given variables. In other contexts, returns the changed versions.

  • ReadFile FILENAME
  • Returns the contents of FILENAME in one large string. Returns undef on failure.

  • Writes STRING to FILENAME (overwrites FILENAME if it already exists). Returns true on success, false on failure.

  • Counter FILENAME
  • Increases the contents of FILENAME by one and returns the new value. Returns undef on failure. Fails silently.

        You are visitor number <:= Counter('counter.txt') :>.

  • Replaces URLs (actually, replace things that look like URLs) by links.

    In void context, changes the value of the given variable. In other contexts, returns the changed version.

        <: print AutoURL(Entity($user_input)); :>

  • AddCookie STRING
  • Adds a Set-Cookie header. STRING must be a valid Set-Cookie header value.


Juerd Waalboer

Current maintainer: Mischa POSLAWSKY